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Start, let everybody to lose"
But the owner hear her this Mo a say all the heart is troubled at heart how the location nod, because are very not easy to accumulate for these two years of property at use to the derogation of repairing the building still have already fallen in action comforting the bereaved of officers and men and other numerous loss Hous, almost consume almost exhausted, probably have no one another two years are to can not repair of come back.
This dime that returns an iceberg just, the most important is to lose 100,000 of green strong let original population not much original row gram the territory is undoubtedly snow up add frost, these people are all laborious main forces, in the future fight hand but a great problem of Hou reconstruction, the rich nobody is similar to move not to get up.
Although it is said can receive forest to adjust to lend some hands toward Anne the line rebuild with of the training of solid, but also too slow to be of help in a crisis, because of receive forest at Anne at after the war and the epidemic Hou, the population is also serious shortage, much less they also in the reconstruction, basically take out could not adjust how much person come over a help.
This makes present persons all wrinkle up eyebrows to consider how should the Mo solve this hard nut to crack, but along while past, still discussion not why come, have to decide to walk first the one step calculates an one step, however the Hou acts according to circumstances.
"Grant force, that these nobilities for surrendering how do you prepare a Mo processing?"I toward to grant Wu Wen at this time, because this kind of matter more and early handles to more and easily decide, once time the prolong will produce variable, so hope that he handles quickly, in case living to change.
"Since surrender can put them, otherwise ability how does the Mo do?"Hear me once this Mo ask and grant that Wu Xiang didn't think a ground of easy to read way of answering, but this answer finishes letting Yan show rather dissatisfied, the past openings says:"Grant force, these people combine to is different from the monster clan that Anne receives forest, as long as say not anti- and not anti-, if pass them like this, that can suffer from everlasting for the Hou, who know which the day will can't come to revolt at a time again, by that time not is move rock to hit his/her own feet?"
"But they have already surrendered, and still turn over pure the remaining rebellious troops, the contribution and mistake mutually arrives, do you want me to cure them with the offense of Shi Mo?If literally give their Anne criminal charges, that I with Hou how does the Mo take a tongue people?"At this time grant force difficult ground time way.
And his words don't have no truth as well, national beginning settle, really isn't suitable for thus greatly take up arms, and surrender don't kill is this unspoken rules in the world, but pass these nobilities like this, be like in the nation to cover up under uncertain factor sort, may break out at any time, really like this pass in the future these nobilities are difficult to protect to go wrong, so present person again silent next go, consider other possibilities in succession.
"Rather use to assassinate of how?"Finish Yan Zhen to break to silently say at this time:"We can send the assassin does it, however the Hou pushes to the robber ……"
The "this method doesn't like at all" Dai Xi is used to remind that tone interrupts conversation to say at this time:"If we true this Mo does of words, that can bother, because these nobilities aren't a stick 鎚 , as long as we begin, at this sensitive period, difficult protect these nobilities can't guess to is what we do.
Although they have already had no how much resources can use, the lousy ship always has three catties of iron, the old dad still has the sky the troops and horseses for blessing city to all withdraw now, these nobilities for surrendering by that time hold tight this opportunity to gather to cause trouble of words, that again is another calamity, by that time light depend emperor all inside of the troopses have nothing to do to keep order,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, more别Say the troops and horses that re- adjust to gather a sky to bless city that wants how much day, so must defend!"
"The words of Dai Xi don't have no truth" words just finished saying, the over Yan show added ground to say:"If we are dark to come, how much will build** the people's dismay, because this will make them feel to grant that the force is a cunning mean person say 1 set to do 1 set, , this is to influence to grant force in the future rule up of harassment, although have no how much person support these nobilities, however for fearing give people basis for gossip, so can in no way open this precedent"
"This doesn't go that nothing doing, that how does the Mo do?"Finish the joss-stick of Yan Ning to impatiently say at this time:"Is not Gan frailty one sword's killing all of them more quite a few?Province even if eastern afraid west"talk at the same time, then brandish the sword in the hand to do an action that exhibition kills.
"Kill is to must kill, however must would not° until seek a good reason go" grants at this time that the force openings towards me to ask:"China Anne, does that how feel that the Mo does better?"
"I?"Suddenly drive once this Mo ask, I was a Leng first for a while, in fact I am to approve to kill all of them province troublesome, however this matter really have its difficulty at, think to want to go, seeing to only a road can walk.
Thought of here, I the positive color ground says:"I think these nobilities to are to can not stay, however not ability from grant that the force makes moves, so we must would not° until look for person to dress up as black face go"
"Dress up as a black face?"Pear Ying one face doesn't understand that the ground towards Dai Xi to ask:"Is this the meaning of Shi Mo?"
"Is want someone to appear publicly and issue order to do these nobilities" doesn't wait Dai Xi openings, I first one-step time way:"But the person who issues order, at second especially the orchid lift Si to have to also have a little a position to go"
The words make reference to this, I was first for a while, however the Hou immediately after says:"I want to match an only granting of the condition text grants that the force still includes elder sister Xiu, elder sister Zhen the outside, only I just, but they are four who issue order to will lead long to pull others, so ……"
"So will you are successful in career is do this matter?"
The Qi color is a little bit good to nod to express consent ground to say with a smile at this time:"However is also good like this, this lousy work total someone wants to do, that you first the load come down.
By that time if there is miscellaneous sound, at most grant Wu Yao scrapings for issuing order to kill off the business of these nobilities to be responsible for without authorization your post of Jian country just, anyway you don't want to be as well be not?And even if having no this title didn't be also bad, because you don't forget to dearly still have another identity is second the orchid lifts Si especially of husband of princess, light this identity sufficient Qiang, ha ha ha"
The words been public and heard her, although the truth known that she is joking,this is also to have no the best way in the way, because doing not pass these is aristocratic has necessarily and has and loses, however at this time the nobody express consent, but turn a head and looking at me and want to know my decision, after all in their thoughts, the important person says to give up and then give up that at present this identity position isn't an easy matter.
See their facial expressions, I also guessed for seven centses, probably to other people, this is the business of hard decision, but to me, this position is some temptation also have no, I originally isn't the person who has a big wishes, of so when the position of the top Jian country is to grant martial hard fill, besides I in addition to a little smart in small way and the knowledge that they don't know, other places are really nothing to recommend.
Finish canning not compare with a growing of Yan show just in the political strategy, at true knife clear gun, lead troops blunt kill of in the battlefield, I also not is over Yan Zhen and over Yan Ning the opponent of the joss-stick, don't even say that being like sorcery, arrows Shu or other aspects, Dai Xi and Qi color's being good is all me too far behind to catch up, unique more advantaged is on the business, I than they many much modern knowledge and cheat method, and when the rich than be a big officer much more interesting, at least pressure can't that Mo is big.

The 15th gathers chapter 9
Renew time:2008-11-516:11:30 chapter word numbers:6182

Chapter 9(a
Thought of here, I then the openings say:"In fact have when the Jian country is also of no account to me at 1:00, this nation should be grant that the force said calculate be, I should not get involved too many, after all I ain't the person here, and say a little bit unpleasant to hear, I in addition to a little profitable smart in small way, other roots can not let people believe take, rather take advantage o a good many that this opportunity comes off stage and returns, however Hou with concentration my become rich and greatly account.
Besides and before I once lifted to still want with you mother the mainland seek a missing absolute being machine, in the future have how many times will I also not know here, so this matter hand over to me to begin like, at the right moment can also give to grant that Wu Yi Ge's step is next"
And public listen to my this Mo on saying to also order to mean to approve, since I not mind be deprived the words of feudal title, that also had no words to say and at that moment opened a debate how to carry on, but didn't know at this time at a certain Related articles:

